
As you have read on this website, I believe in the benefits that exercise and weight lifting can bring to peoples’ lives and health and to society. I would be happy to come and speak to your group school, college or corporation to help you reap these benefits. Audiences have told me that I am funny, entertaining, informative, and inspirational.

Schools and colleges

I can speak on a variety of topics, including training drug free, training for peak performance, and enjoying a healthy and active life. As a longtime coach, athlete, and parent, schools and teams have found that I know how to connect with the audience and leave them with the right message.


Having been an employee of large corporations such as Pfizer and Coty, I get it, I understand how hard it is for employees to work exercise into their lives. By the same token, I know how to help motivate employees to help them follow wellness programs. I did it myself while being a busy professional and raising three children. It would be my pleasure to help your employees do the same.

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